
Как уже говорилось, материнские платы ATX и BTX поддерживают автоматическое управление питанием. Это позволяет, в частности, пробудить (или включить) компьютер при активности того или иного устройства. Например, сетевая карта, если она поддерживает технологию Wake-on-LAN, позволяет включить питание компьютера и выполнить загрузку операционной системы при приходе по сети так называемого «магического» пакета (Magic Packet), что может быть полезно при плановом обслуживании компьютеров в ночное время (поиск вирусов, архивирование данных).

Cписок опций:

по назначению | по алфавиту

Automatic Power Up

Power On By Alarm

Power On By RTC Alarm

Power-On by Alarm

Resume By Alarm

Resume By RTC Alarm

Resume On RTC Alarm

RTC Alarm Power On

RTC Alarm Resume

RTC Wake Up

WakeUp by Alarm

Month Alarm

Alarm Date


Date (of Month)

Date (of Month) Alarm

Date of Month Alarm

Day of Month Alarm

RTC Alarm Date

Resume Time (hh:mm:ss)

Resume Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm

Time (HH:MM:SS)

Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm

Alarm Hour

RTC Alarm Hour

Alarm Minute

RTC Alarm Minute

Alarm Second

RTC Alarm Second

MAC Resume From S3/S4

MACPME Power Up Control

Power On By Onboard LAN

Power Up By Onboard LAN

Resume by LAN

Resume By WOL

Resume on LAN

Resume on LAN/PME#

Wake On LAN

Wake on LAN from S5

Wake Up On LAN

WakeUp by Onboard LAN

WOL (PME#) From Soft-Off

Modem Ring Resume

Power On By External Modems

Power On By Modem

Power On by Ring

PWR Up On External Modem Act

PWR Up On Modem Act

Resume by Ring

Resume On Ring

Ring Wake Up

Wake on Modem Ring

Wake On Ring

Wake up by Ring

Wake Up On Codec

Wake Up On Ring

Wake Up/Power On By Ring

WOR (RI#) From Soft-Off

LAN/Ring Power On

Modem Ring On/Wake On Lan

Power On By Modem/Lan

Wake On Lan or PCI Modem

Modem Use IRQ


Power On By PCI Card

Power On By PCI Devices

Power On PCI Card

Power Up By PCI Devices

Resume by PCI

Resume by PCI Device (PME#)

Resume By PCI Device PME#

Resume by PCI PME

Wake on PCI PME

Wake Up Events PCI Master

Wake-Up by PCI card

Wake-Up by PME

WakeUp by PME# of PCI

PCI Express PME

Power On By PCIE Devices

Resume By PCI-E PME

Resume by PCIE PME

Wakeup on PCI Express

Power Up On PCI/PCIE Devices

Resume by PCI/PCI-E Device

Wake Up Events VGA

Wake Up Events LPT & COM

Wake Up Events HDD & FDD

PME Events Wake Up

Resume by PME# Function

Resume On PME#

Wake On PME

Wake Up On PME

Resume by USB (S3)

Resume by USB From S3

Resume From S3 by USB Device

USB Dev Wakeup From S3-S5

USB Device Wakeup From S3

USB Device Wakeup From S3/S4

USB resume from S3

USB Resume From S3/S4

USB Resume from S5

USB Wakeup From S3

Wake Up By USB device

POWER ON Function

POWER ON Function From S3

PWR Up On PS2 KB/Mouse

S3 KB Wake-up Function

USB KB/MS Wake-Up From S3

Keyboard Power On

Keyboard PowerOn Function

Keyboard Select

Keyboard Wakeup From S3

Power On By Keyboard

Power On By PS/2 Keyboard

Power Up By PS/2 Keyboard

PowerOn by Keyboard

PS/2 KB WakeUp S3/S4/S5

PS/2 Keyboard Wakeup

PS2 KB resume from S3

PS2KB Wakeup

PS2KB Wakeup From S3/S4/S5

PS2KB Wakeup from S5

Resume By PS2 KB (S3)

Resume On KBC

Resume S3 By PS/2 Keyboard

S3 wake up by PS2/Keyboard

S3/S4 Power On By PS/2 Keyboard

Wake Up By Keyboard

Wake Up By Keyboard From S3

USB KB Wake-Up From S3

PS2KB Wakeup Select

Wake-Up Key

Hot Key Power On

Hot Key Resume

Hot Key WakeUp

Specific Key for Wakeup

KB Power ON Password

Keyboard Password

Keyboard Power ON Password

Specific Key for PowerOn

Wakeup Password

Mouse Power On

Mouse PowerOn Function

Mouse Wakeup From S3

Power On By PS/2 Mouse

PowerOn by Mouse

PS/2 Mouse Power On

PS/2 Mouse Wakeup

PS/2 MS WakeUp S3/S4/S5

PS2MS Wakeup

PS2MS Wakeup From S3/S4/S5

PS2MS Wakeup from S5

Resume By PS2 Mouse (S3)

Resume by PS2 MS (S3)

Resume On PS/2 Mouse

Resume On PS/2 Mouse From S3

Resume S3 By PS/2 Mouse

S3 wake up by PS2/Mouse

S3/S4 Power On By PS/2 Mouse

Wake on PS/2 Mouse from S3

Wake Up By Mouse

Служебная информация:

время выполнения: 0.0101 с;

количество запросов: 4.